Title Image


‘Van Life, Boulders’ 2018

Linocut on paper
55cm x 81cm
Limited edition of 10


This composition is an imaginary one, created from a photograph taken inside a Kombi I used to own, and a photograph taken on a trip to Lennox Head. The surfboards were added. This leisurely van life scene, cruising coastal roads could be anywhere however.

A block this size takes approximately 50-60 hours to draw and carve, and then another 4 hours or so to print the edition by hand – no press involved! 🙂

‘Sunrise’ 2018

Linocut on paper
27.5cm x 38cm
Limited edition of 20


Similar to the ‘Waves’ series, this artwork is a study of waves and light.

‘Summer Frangipani’ 2018

Linocut on paper
20cm x 29.5cm
Limited edition of 25


Mmmmmm, I can smell the gorgeous scent on the summer breeze now. Tropical frangipanis (or Plumerias) bursting into bloom are a sign of warmer weather on the way.

‘Soldier’s, looking to Norah Head’ 2018

Linocut on paper
50cm x 65cm
Limited edition of 15


This composition is one straight from my phone, taken on a holiday to the Central Coast of New South Wales. Soldier’s Beach has these incredible rock formations, covered in nearly neon green mossy seaweed. I loved rock hopping and exploring the pools. A little further up the coast is Norah Head and its lighthouse.

A block this size takes approximately 20-30 hours to draw and carve, and then another 4 hours or so to print the edition by hand – no press involved! 🙂

‘Shelly Beach Boards’ 2018

Linocut on paper
43.5cm x 32.5cm
Limited edition of 25


This composition is straight from my phone, a photo I took of the local surfing club at Shelly Beach on the Central Coast of NSW. The boards were placed there by the riders, as the comp went on. Bateau Bay can be seen in the background.

‘Pandanus Fruit, Miami’ 2018

Linocut on paper
43cm x 32.5cm
Limited edition of 20


This composition is one straight from my phone, a serendipitous find one early morning walk along my local beach. Pandanus are my favourite tree, and their large fruit pods are really interesting. This one must have washed up from another location.

‘Looking North, Cabarita’ 2018

Linocut on paper
50cm x 65cm
Limited edition of 15


This composition is one straight from my phone, taken on a walk up on Norrie’s Headland, in northern New South Wales. This location has been a family holiday destination for over 30 years and is a popular surf spot. I particularly love the banksia study on the right, as well as my ubiquitous pandanus!

‘Hibiscus, Canton Beach’ 2018

Linocut on paper
20cm x 29.5cm
Limited edition of 25


This gnarled old hibiscus bush was found growing in the garden of an abandoned mid-century home on the Central Coast. It continues to bloom, cheering all who pass it.

‘Flannel Flowers’ 2018

Linocut on paper
20cm x 29.5cm
Limited edition of 25


One year on holiday I walked the Wyrrabalong Walk from Bateau Bay to Crackneck Lookout. Along the way, as well as other local flora, I spotted flannel flowers for the first time in the wild. I was so excited! These were flowers I knew from the work of Margaret Preston and Lyn Weir. I took some photos, which formed the basis of this artwork.

‘Dickinson Point, Bermagui’ 2018

Linocut on paper
50cm x 65cm
Limited edition of 15


This composition is one straight from my phone, taken on a road trip holiday from the Gold Coast to Melbourne and back. I really loved Bermagui, and the surrounding coastline, with its beautiful rocky outcrops and pools. The rocks here were also covered in a bright green mossy seaweed, so vivid!